Acupuncture and traditional chinese medicine unlocks the innate healing power of the body


  • Acupuncture works by activating the body's own healing powers, so it can be beneficial for many health conditions.

  • First-time patients are often concerned that acupuncture needles will feel like hypodermic injections at the doctor’s office, and therefore hurt. However, acupuncture uses hair-thin, flexible needles that most people hardly feel when inserted.

    When I gently stimulate the needles they may produce a unique sensation that Oriental medicine calls de qi. Patients often describe de qi as a heavy, achy pressure, or spreading, traveling feeling. You may also feel an "electrical" sensation moving down the meridian pathways, though this is less common. Most patients find these acupuncture sensations deeply satisfying and leave the treatment feeling relaxed both mentally and physically.

  • Wear loose fitting clothing to your acupuncture session. Often access to the legs, arms and body is required without restricting blood flow. If you are comfortable, you may be asked to remove some of your clothing and be covered with a towel. If this makes you uncomfortable, it is suggested to bring a small pair of shorts and/or vest top.

  • Come with a clear idea of your current health concerns, in addition to an accurate understanding of your current lifestyle. Many clinics (including Lan He Acupuncture) require new patients to fill out a comprehensive medical form to accurately assess your current condition. You should ensure you have eaten within 1-2 hours and that you are hydrated. Plan to arrive in loose, comfortable clothing. Initial consultations usually take 1.5 hours and include your first treatment session, where you can expect around 20 needles to be placed.

  • The benefits of acupuncture are cumulative, so more than one treatment is necessary. For acute conditions you can expect to have 10 to 15 treatments, but you will usually begin to feel relief after just the first few. Chronic conditions may take longer to respond, depending on the type, severity, and duration of the condition. Preventative treatments and treatments for general well-being may also be scheduled on an as-needed basis.

  • Acupuncture is a highly effective treatment to maintain health during pregnancy. It has been proven through multiple research studies to balance hormones and promote a healthy pregnancy, in addition to recovery post-birth. Studies have also shown moxibustion to be an effective natural remedy to turn breached babies.

  • Acupuncture works best when used preventatively to maintain good health and encourage the body to activate its own healing powers. While many people seek acupuncture due to health problems, it is a spectacular treatment to start before problems arise to promote vitality and health throughout life. It is a wonderfully relaxing service to engage with.

  • Moxa has been identified as a powerful treatment used by Ancient Chinese physicians for centuries. It is highly effective for complicated health problems and has shown to be more effective in healing than needles and herbs in chronic illness. It is also a powerful way to boost the natural immune system in human beings and remain proactive in health maintenance.