Back, Neck and Shoulder pain - Acupuncture tcm in austin

Modern day lifestyles often impact our neck, back and shoulder health. From our sleeping position, to exercise routines, to ‘tech neck’, our bodies are under immense pressure which all too often results in chronic pain.

Fortunately, TCM has been used for thousands of years to treat pain, and is extremely effective at curing and preventing back, neck and shoulder pain.

Can Acupuncture heal neck pain?

Yes, depending on the cause of neck, back or shoulder pain, acupuncture treatment can significantly reduce pain within 2-4 treatments.

How does acupuncture work to heal neck pain?

When healing neck, back or shoulder pain, your practitioner will first understand whether pain is chronic or acute.

Acute pain is caused by injury or strain and can be healed with needles applied directly to the localized area of pain.

Chronic pain is caused by dysfunctions within the organs that guide TCM, therefore treatment will work to build the organ’s strength so it can support muscles and tendons to work effectively and prevent pain.

How long does it take to heal neck pain with acupuncture?

Acute pain - Treating acute pain requires a high frequency of visits (2-3 x per week), and will focus on the localized area. Your practitioner will apply needles along with guided movement and apply adjustments where needed. Improvement is usually seen within 1 session with significant improvement in 4 sessions.

Chronic pain - Deeper immune system issues impact the overall energy of the body, which means it lacks the ability to support and nourish the bones/ muscles. In TCM this is often linked to the digestion, kidney and liver systems. These functions need to be restored and produce more energy to support the chronic condition and stop pain. Long term treatment applying needles to different areas of the body is required. Improvement is usually seen within 2-4 sessions with significant improvement in 8 session.

A cup of herbal tea used for traditional chinese medicine and holistic health


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